{{sentence_case(goal.description) }} {% if not current_user.is_authenticated %} {{ goal.star_count }} {% elif current_user.id == goal.poster.id %} {{ goal.star_count }} {% elif not current_user.email_confirmed %} {{ goal.star_count }} {% elif goal.gave_star(current_user) %} {{ goal.star_count }} {% else %} {{ goal.star_count }} {% endif %} {{ goal.comment_count }} {{ goal.poster.username }} • {{ goal.elapsed_time() }} {% if goal.can_delete(current_user) %} Delete Post? × Are you sure you would like to delete this goal? {{ sentence_case(goal.description) }} {% endif %} {% if current_user.is_authenticated %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if current_user.is_authenticated %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% for comment in goal.get_comments() %} {% if not current_user.is_authenticated %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% elif current_user.id == comment.poster.id %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% elif not current_user.email_confirmed %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% elif comment.gave_star(current_user) %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% else %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% endif %} {{ comment.poster.username }} • {{ comment.date_posted.strftime('%d %b %H:%M') }} {% if comment.can_delete(current_user) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if goal.solutions|length == 0 %} No solutions yet. Feel free to suggest a solution to this goal {% else %} {{goal.solutions|length}} Solutions {% for icon,count in goal.get_solution_types_counts('light').items() recursive %} {% if count != 0 %} {{count}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for solution in goal.solutions %} {{solution.title}} {% if not current_user.is_authenticated %} {{solution.star_count }} {% elif current_user.id == solution.poster.id %} {{solution.star_count }} {% elif not current_user.email_confirmed %} {{solution.star_count }} {% elif solution.gave_star(current_user) %} {{ solution.star_count }} {% else %} {{ solution.star_count }} {% endif %} {{solution.description}} {% if solution.attachment_type == SolutionType.Code %} View on GitHub {% elif solution.attachment_type == SolutionType.Photo %} {% for image in solution.images %} {% endfor %} {% elif solution.attachment_type == SolutionType.PDF %} {% elif solution.link!=None %} {% endif %} {% if current_user.is_authenticated %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% for comment in solution.get_comments() %} {{ comment.poster.username }} • {{ comment.date_posted.strftime('%d %b %H:%M') }} {% if comment.can_delete(current_user) %} {% endif %} {% if current_user.id == comment.poster.id or not current_user.is_authenticated %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% else %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{{solution.title}} {% if not current_user.is_authenticated %} {{solution.star_count }} {% elif current_user.id == solution.poster.id %} {{solution.star_count }} {% elif not current_user.email_confirmed %} {{solution.star_count }} {% elif solution.gave_star(current_user) %} {{ solution.star_count }} {% else %} {{ solution.star_count }} {% endif %} {{solution.description}} {% if solution.attachment_type == SolutionType.Code %} View on GitHub {% elif solution.attachment_type == SolutionType.Photo %} {% for image in solution.images %} {% endfor %} {% elif solution.attachment_type == SolutionType.PDF %} {% elif solution.link!=None %} {% endif %} {% if current_user.is_authenticated %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% for comment in solution.get_comments() %} {{ comment.poster.username }} • {{ comment.date_posted.strftime('%d %b %H:%M') }} {% if comment.can_delete(current_user) %} {% endif %} {% if current_user.id == comment.poster.id or not current_user.is_authenticated %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% else %} {{ comment.star_count }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ comment.poster.username }} • {{ comment.date_posted.strftime('%d %b %H:%M') }}
{% if comment.can_delete(current_user) %} {% endif %}{{ comment.star_count }}
{{ comment.star_count }}