{% extends "mobile-layout.html" %} {% macro sentence_case(text) %} {{ text[0]|upper}}{{text[1:] }} {% endmacro %} {% block content %}
ProjectS posted by {% if current_user.id == user.id %} you{% else %} {{ current_user.username }}{% endif %}:
{% if user_projects|length < 1 %}
{% if current_user.id == user.id %} You have {% else %} {{ current_user.username }} has {% endif %} not posted any Projects yet
{% else %} {% for project in user_projects %}

{{ sentence_case(project.title) }}

{% endfor %}{% endif%}
Projects {% if current_user.id == user.id %} you have {% else %} {{ user.username }} has {% endif %} contributed to:
{% if contributed_projects|length < 1 %}
{% if current_user.id == user.id %} You have {% else %} {{ user.username }} has {% endif %} not contributed to any projects yet
{% else %} {% for project in contributed_projects %}

{{ sentence_case(project.title) }}

{% endfor %}{% endif %} {% endblock content %}